Anti Aging Skin Care Products Why Natural Is Better

22/02/2011 10:26

There are many different thing that can cause harm to your skin, thanks to modern science we can stop these things and slow the signs of aging naturally. We can do this by helping our skin repair wounds faster and more efficiently. The longer your skin takes to heal itself or if it is severely damaged it can lead to massive scarring or irreparable damage. This is where anti aging skin care products come into play, they can help slow this process and even reverse it.

We use the word damage loosely but generally it refers to and incidents that break the skin, bruises, burns from the sun or other things and troubled areas. There are many environmental things that can cause damage like extreme sun, cold, wind and free radicals. There are things that you can do personally to damage the skin like weight gain, smoking or tanning beds.

Once the damage is done it sometimes can be hard to reverse or repair. If exposed enough it can even lead to cancer. The most common side effect is rapid aging. This is when your skin ages faster than it should leaving you looking and feeling older. There are steps you can take to guard against this of course, things like drinking plenty of water, wearing sunscreen and using a neutral moisturizer like emu oil.

Emu oil helps heal the skin by moisturizing it and helping it produce collagen faster. It also is good at treating burns, cuts, scars, fungal infections and rashes. It is hypoallergenic and very gentle on the skin. It is also and antibacterial and anti microbial agent. Which mean that it will help fight off surface problems.

Aloe Vera is another ingredient you should look for in the natural products you buy. It is full of Vitamin C and help repair skin cells. Like emu oil it has been proven to make skin healthier in many different areas. It is very hydrating and soothing to irritated areas. That is why it has been used for burns for hundreds of years. It fights off free radicals as well, which is a great guard against the harsh environment.

Like emu oil, aloe vera does not clog pores and it easily absorbs into the skin. Jojoba oil is another great ingredient to look for. It is super hydrating and helps deep cleanse the pores and skin while locking in moisture. It has been shown to lighten skin blemishes while easing minor cuts and scrapes and helping them heal faster.

The trick to using any product is consistency, you have to use the product as directed to get the results you want. For some people it may take longer because of your bodies chemistry, but if you keep with it you will see results. The reason we stress natural products is because cheaper products use harsh chemicals which your body has trouble processing. Some of these cheaper ingredient have even been show to cause cancer or do other harmful things.